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Two steps forward, one step back - progress continues

Kotare Rd befor and after canva

Quality Roading and Services staff are working hard to repair and reopen roads today after ex-tropical Cyclone Fili smashed into the district yesterday. 

The work on Wairoa’s roads comes on top of an already busy work schedule following last month’s heavy and persistent rain, says QRS operations manager Anthony O’Sullivan.

“We are still very much in emergency response mode.”

Right now QRS crew are working at Cricklewood, Mangapoike, and Papanui Roads, as well as on State Highway 38, in an effort to safely reopen them to traffic.”

Mr O’Sullivan says there is a lot of surface flooding in the area and he thanked road users for their patience. “It’s two steps forward one step back at the moment.”

Mr O’Sullivan pointed to the Kotare Rd road repair carried out by QRS and its contractors last month as a good example of what the team can achieve in a short time.

Local contractors came to the rescue of isolated Kotare Rd residents last month, fixing the dramatic dropout in just three days.

QRS enlisted the expertise of subcontractors Pryde Contracting and Advanced Tree Services to repair the rural no-exit road during the March storm event, says QRS Mr O’Sullivan.

“Conditions weren’t great but it was about locals helping locals and in this instance, the health and welfare of the families that live beyond the slip was paramount in everyone’s minds.”

A small community of farming families were affected by the dropout that occurred after the huge volume of water running in Mangapoike River softened the banks along the road edge and caused them to slip downwards. “Locals tell us the river was 10m higher than it normally is.”

The dropout was found on Tuesday 29 March and investigated by QRS and Wairoa District Council on Wednesday to work out a plan of attack. Pryde Contracting deployed two excavators to the site and had the road open to 4WD vehicle access by late Friday.

From there they created a new formation for Kotare Rd on firm papa-rock around and above the dropout. Advanced Tree Services from Gisborne cleared overhanging trees and the road was opened to all-wheel-drive vehicles on Saturday afternoon.

Mr O’Sullivan thanked locals for their patience during the repair and reminded road users that work continues further along Kotare Rd with contractors removing other smaller slips and opening blocked culverts.



14 April 2022

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